
Phoning this one in, I'm afraid, since today has been that rarest of occasions: a Sunday almost entirely to myself.

My normal Sunday consists of me getting up at around 9am and heading to St Johns church, picking up a coffee on the way.  St Johns is an extremely casual church on a housing estate, embedded in some hideous brick skyscrapers. It nominally starts at 11am, but I'm on a roster often enough to need to be there by 10 or 10:30 a lot of weeks.  Jolie's always there before 10, grooving away on her bass.

By the time the service is finished, and we've done chatting with everyone, it's about 1:30pm and we start wandering home. When the weather is even a little bit nice, we walk, since it's pleasant and mostly flat. I carry Jolie's bass so people will think I'm cooler than I actually am.

Then we get home, and I start bashing out my Alphabet Supremacy piece for the week, Jolie makes us lunch and when all that's done we chill out until about 4:30 - 5pm when we leave for the things we're rostered on for at Christ Church Mayfair. We don't get back from there until around 9:30pm.

I do all of that because it's important to me. But sometimes, it's nice to have a solid chunk of time when I just get things done.

Today has provided such an opportunity, as I've been obliged to spend the day at home. It's been wonderful. I've been able to do so many dull but essential things like laundry, budgeting (you'd think that lists of numbers that add up to zero would be less work), a little bit of writing, and a lot of todos that will make the week run smoother for having done them (wedding invitations don't become calendar appointments by themselves!).

I've also had a chance to listen to Das Rheingold for the first time.  It's really good, and I'm looking forward to listening to it again and perhaps even watching it, so I can figure out who is singing what.

Now the geas which kept me housebound has broken and I'm off to CCM. Plans won't get me back in time to write something more suitable, so you'll have to look to Mr Dibley to supply the quality for the week.

This post is part of the Alphabet Supremacy project, a collaboration between myself and Bice Dibley. Next week's word is protect.